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Gwen's Spot

05 September 2005

Why we're part of the youth rights movement: In Which Gwen Rambles, But It's On Purpose

I just wrote a youth rights version of a wonderful poster that has about women's liberation.
The women's liberation one states:
Because woman’s work is never done and is underpaid or unpaid or boring or repetitious and we’re the first to get fired and what we look like is more important than what we do and if we get raped it’s our fault and if we get beaten we must have provoked it and if we raise our voices we’re nagging bitches and if we enjoy sex we’re nymphos and if we don’t we’re frigid and if we love women it’s because we can’t get a “real” man and if we ask our doctor too many questions we’re neurotic and/or pushy and if we expect childcare we’re selfish and if we stand up for our rights we’re aggressive and “unfeminine” and if we don’t we’re typical weak females and if we want to get married we’re out to trap a man and if we don’t we’re unnatural and because we still can’t get an adequate safe contraceptive but man can walk on the moon and if we can’t cope or don’t want a pregnancy we’re made to feel guilty about abortion and… for lots and lots of other reasons we are part of the women’s liberation movement.

So here's my version, the youth rights poster:
Because children are seen and not heard and if we assert ourselves we’re talking back and if we don’t we’re trampled over and if we don’t do our chores we’re irresponsible and if we try to get paid work we’re too young and if we stay in school we’re dependent and if we try to leave school we’re labeled dropouts and if we complain we’re whiney and if we stand up for ourselves we don’t know how good we’ve got it and if we don’t do what we’re told we’re hit or yelled at and if we hit or yell back we’re incorrigible and if we run away we’re returned and if we skip school we’re breaking the law and if our parents can’t deal with us we’re imprisoned and if we bring property to school it’s “confiscated” and if we commit a crime we’re part of a horrible crime wave and if we try to get a bank account or an abortion or birth control or alcohol or a house or an apartment without our parents’ permission we’re breaking the law and if we express ourselves at school we’re expelled and if we speak out politically we’re adorable or ignored and if we try to take charge of our lives and our rights we’re patted on our heads and told to run along and play and… for lots and lots of other reasons we are part of the youth rights movement.

3 Meepage:

Blogger Mark meeped...

I respect what you are trying to do with your youth rights poster. I understand that there are situations in which ones home life is bad, even violent, and I'm sure the courts make it far too difficult for a child to get out of that situation. However, there are some things on that are just things that all kids have to put up with until they are on their own and paying their own way. If you are able to do that at age 15, then I don't see why it should be illegal, but if you are, then you are the exception to the rule. I was very respectful to my parents and they were respectful to me, but I always knew they made the rules. Do you not feel that in a healthy family environment, that is acceptable? Putting your youth rights poster next to the women's rights poster makes it look sort of trivial in comparison.

Don't worry. You'll live on your own and make your own rules (sort of) someday. I definitely would not rush it if I were you, unless you are in some sort of danger or an abusive situation. As a parent and a man who got married at age 21, I know just how much of the real world my parents shouldered while I lived my childhood almost completely oblivious.

29 September, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous meeped...

Just a note after finally reading this post (it looked too long before, and frankly, I've heard it all for years in car discussions, lol).
I personally don't agree with some of Jennifer's points, but others I think she's on the right track with and just need discussion to get a whole picture and start coming up with realistic solutions.
After reading this and her songs, I explained to her that people might construe from them that she is an abused, rebellious teen. I just wanted to clarify for anyone reading that that she is actually the opposite.
She's actually a very loved, responsible teen who takes the world's problems and politics onto her small shoulders and is determined to "fix" the world. (Not that I agree with some of the things that she thinks needs fixed, but I respect her opinions, and they're usually very well researched).
She's a very serious girl who at 15 is stuck between being a youth and living in an adult world...going to college already and trying to find where she fits in. I can't imagine trying to be in her shoes, it would be quite confusing.
Anyway, just wanted to explain that while I don't agree with some of her ideas and always think "hmmm...wonder what she'll think when she's an adult with kids of her own", I really do respect her interest and ambition in trying to change the world.
I'm proud of you Jenn!

30 September, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous meeped...

P.S. Now quit thinking so much and enjoy being a teen for a change! ;0)

Here's my word verification for you to play with: qawmgaym

30 September, 2005  

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